Yes, you can use the privacy options to allow exactly who you want to view your media. Every album can have different privacy levels. This allows you to give specific groups of people access to certain albums while allowing different access to other albums.
Feel free to be yourself on OfficialMe with granular controlled access.
e.g. to allow specific users to an album using the website
- Go to my albums in creator studio.
- Click on the album you want to update.
- Once the album opens, click the Edit album option.
- You will see a list of Privacy Options.
- Choose Custom and then select which followers you want to view this album.
- Click Update Album to save the changes.
- Now only those individuals will see updates to that album on your profile and in their timeline.
In the mobile app the options are the same however you click on the hamburger menu in the top right corner. Click My Albums, then click on the album you want to edit. Then choose the edit option in the top right corner menu. There you can select your privac